I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. John Schwandt for nearly 30 years. We have had him come to St. Olaf College numerous times for recitals, silent films, and masterclasses and he never fails to inspire through his playing and teaching.
Dr. Schwandt excels as a teacher. In my 20-year faculty tenure at St. Olaf, I have sent many students to him for graduate work. These students graduated from St. Olaf with quite a wide range of experience. Dr. Schwandt met each of them where they were and provided them with what they needed to secure excellent jobs after they finished their Masters and for some, Doctoral degrees. They all comment on his skill as a communicator, his sense of humor, along with his extremely informed teaching expertise.
I hope for great success with the American Organ Academy, a concept much needed for the organ world. I plan to send Dr. Schwandt and his colleagues more students in the future.

Dr. Catherine Rodland
Artist in Residence in Organ and Music Theory
St. Olaf College